Tec Instructor

Instructor Candidate Prerequisites

Tec 40 Instructor Course

To enroll in a PADI Tec 40 Instructor course, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:


  • PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (or higher rating)
  • PADI Enriched Air Diver Specialty Instructor
  • PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor
  • 25 EANx dives deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
  • Tec 45 Diver
  • 10 decompression dives wearing full technical equipment

Exit Requirements

  • Certified 25 divers
    • No more than five from courses without dives
    • No more than five from PADI Seal Team or Master Seal Team registrations
  • Have a minimum of 20 decompression dives

Meet one of the following:

  • Completed a PADI Tec 40 Instructor course
  • Have a qualifying tec instructor rating with another organization and:
    • Have assisted with one Tec 40 Diver course or taught two qualifying courses
    • Successfully completed the Tec 40 Instructor Exam within 12 months of application

Instructor Candidate Materials

    • Tec 40 student diver materials
    • PADI Tec Diver Instructor Manual
    • PADI Tec Diver Guide to Teaching
    • PADI Tec Basics and Tec 40 Diver Instructor Wetbook

Tec 45 Instructor Course

To enroll in a PADI Tec 45 Instructor course, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:


  • PADI Tec 40 Instructor, or taking the Tec 40 and Tec 45 Instructor courses concurrently

Exit Requirements

  • 150 logged dives with 20 decompression dives deeper than 30 metres/100 feet

Meet one of the following:

  • Completed a PADI Tec 45 Instructor course
  • Have a qualifying tec instructor rating with another organization and:
    • Be a PADI Tec 40 Instructor or have assisted with one Tec 40 Diver course or taught two qualifying courses
    • Have assisted with one Tec 45 Diver course or taught two qualifying courses
    • Successfully completed the Tec 45 Instructor Exam within 12 months of application

Instructor Candidate Materials

    • Tec 45 student diver materials
    • PADI Tec Diver Instructor Manual
    • PADI Tec Diver Guide to Teaching
    • PADI Tec 45 Diver Instructor Wetbook

Tec 50 Instructor Course

To enroll in a PADI Tec 40 Instructor course, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:

  • PADI Tec 45 Instructor, or taking the Tec 40/45/50 Instructor courses or Tec 45/50 Instructor courses concurrently
  • Tec 50 Diver
Exit Requirements
  • 250 logged dives with 25 decompression dives deeper than 40 metres/130 feet

Instructor Candidate Materials

    • Tec 50 student diver materials
    • PADI Tec Diver Instructor Manual
    • PADI Tec Diver Guide to Teaching
    • PADI Tec 50 Diver Instructor Wetbook

Tec Sidemount Instructor

As a Tec Sidemount Instructor, you can qualify divers to use sidemount so they can take any of the TecRec open-circuit tec courses using the configuration. You can also train divers to use sidemount within the limits of their current open-circuit TecRec certifications.

To enroll

  • Be a renewed PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (or a PADI Instructor with a higher rating)
  • Be a PADI Enriched Air Instructor or completed a PADI Enriched Air Instructor Training course.
  • Be a PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor or have successfully completed a PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor Training course.
  • Have a minimum of 100 logged dives where at least 20 dives were made with enriched air nitrox, 25 dives were deeper than 18 meters/ 60 feet and at least 15 dives were deeper than 30 meters/ 100 feet.

Post Requirments

  • Be a renewed PADI Tec Instructor or higher.(or equivalent)
  • Be a PADI Tec Sidemount Diver (or equivalent).
  • Have logged at least 20 technical sidemount dives, including 10with three or more cylinders.
  • Have successfully completed the Tec Sidemount Instructor course.

Tec Trimix Instructor

As a Trimix Instructor you’ll be one of the elite who can teach the Tec Trimix Diver course.

To Enroll

  • Be a renewed PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer or higher
  • Be a Tec Deep Instructor or completed a Tec Deep Instructor Training course.
  • Be a Certified Tec Trimix Diver or be qualified as a full trimix diver from another orginization
  • Have a minimum of 200 logged dives
  • At least 20 dives requiring at least 1 stage/deco cylinder
  • 10 deeper than 130ft using trimix

Post Requirments

  • Assist with 1 TecRec Trimix Diver course
  • Have logged at least 350 dives
  • 50 Deco dives deeper than 130ft, beyond those required for certifications as a technical diver.
  • 30 dives deeper than 130ft using trimix: 10 deeper than 165ft, using less than 21% oxygen
  • Have successfully completed the Tec Trimix Instructor course, includes standards exam, instructor theory and practical application exam
  • Be at least 21 years old.


Instructor Level TrainingDays of TrainingPrice
Tec 403$799 
Tec 40 & 455$1,398 
Tec 453$859 
Tec 45 & 50 5$1,598 
Tec 503$958 
Tec 40, 45 & 506$1,850 
Tec SideMount3$899 

*Candidate Pays Instructor Application Fees to PADI.